Monday, December 11, 2006

I would totally use that!

Having a well thought-out industrial design is one of our modern society's most understated virtues. How many products have you skipped over in the past, only because you didn't think they were easy enough to use, how many have you decided not to buy because they were too intricate, or didn't serve their purpose well enough? Me? I really like innovative designs, just as long as the innovation has a clear intention - when designers have simple solutions to every day's simple problems - that's when they've hit the nail on its head.
Case and point - check this thing out. He's designed other thing as well, but the "ROLLERtoaster" is just a stroke of genius.

Update: It took me a while to remember where I had seen this piece of crap, but what a great counterexample. Honestly, did you ever feel like you would need a dual-screen phone? Don't get me wrong - surfing the web on a tiny screen sucks, but this phone doesn't even get close to solving that problem, it just creates a new one (having to hide every time you need to make a phone call, to avoid being made fun of).

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