Thursday, March 02, 2006

I didn't even get any cheese!

Well, my last semester is about to begin, and I already know it's gonna be horrible. I have about 3 billion courses, because I have to make up for credits lost on last year's slack-off. For now, I still have to write a paper for a course on the history of basic chemical terms: it was an interesting enough class, but I really have to stretch my bullshiting skills in order to pull this last requirement off...

Monday and Tuesday I spent in Tel-Aviv, visiting the 71st Meeting of the Israeli Chemical Society. Most lectures were, at best, bearable, and on the really boring ones I read a book, hiding behind the meeting's booklet. By the way, "The Kite Runner" is a very engaging book - it might be devastatingly depressing at times, but being so easy to read, I always managed to get to the uplifting parts rather quickly. Anyway, going back to the lectures, the last lecture I attended was one given by Prof. P. Atkins. It was really great, finally witnessing academical greatness, or maybe I was just star – struck by the guy who wrote my second-year textbook on physical chemistry…
After that lecture, I ran out to meet Daniel, a friend of mine from the big city (doesn’t every Jerusalemite have at least one?). To those who don't know, this is what the streets of Tel-Aviv look like:

I always get lost; I don't think I ever had a positive experience navigating these streets. Well, this time I managed to find my way rather rapidly, thanks to the guiding voice of Daniel, which curiously enough was to blame for getting me lost in the first place.
After 30 minutes of navigating, I had the pleasure of meeting Katia, his Finnish girlfriend, which is a really smart, pleasant and good looking girl. I refuse to let it eat me from the inside out. For now, I’m managing to be happy for him and that’s it. My time will come, won’t it?

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