I've been staring the blank screen for the past 10 minutes, not nowing how to describe this past day. And to think it's all been just a prelude for what lies ahead for tomorrow...
In any case, Ohad volunteered to write for me, so here it goes:
I don't know what the procedure is for someone other than the blog-owner to write, but in this case I can best attest as to what happened. At first we went around town looking for the Cinema Roy's father worked in and Roy spent his days as a child. At the cinema he didn't know anyone but they directed him to a woman called Cinzia (I couldn't pronounce it with a gun to my head) who now worked at another cinema. So we went to the other side of town to meet this woman and to be honest I was a bit skeptic, 15 years have passed, and she might not even remember him. I didn't want to rain on his parade, even though it was really hot outside, and so I tagged along to the other side of town. When we got to the new cinema, he took a deep breath and went to the cashier and introduced himself with "Cinzia? I don't know if you remember me, but my name is Roy" (both you and I don't understand Italian, so I'm translating). It took her a second, but than she started with an ecstatic voice, RRRoy, RRRoy (In an Italian accent). She ran from her both and opened the door to hug and kiss him, as even I got some kisses and excited unknown Italian words. It was a reunion like a reunion ought to be, that's why he had a hard time putting it in words. It was one of the moments you see in movies. Then they reminisced for a while, and she was overwhelmed with how time had passed and how she remembered Roy as a little boy and all of his family. It was really moving, and so I can only imagine how it was for Roy, but I'm sure he'll be more expressive with a bit more time to digest and rethink that moment.
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