Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sometime life feels like a bad song

Since I can't link from the title - this one might be appropriate for this post.

On one hand, I don't like writing about really serious stuff that's going on with me, I guess I'm not really used yet to venting on-line. On the other hand, I do feel there's room for it - feeling like I'm sharing my troubles with people out there might be nice.

My mother has cancer. She discovered a lump about 8 years ago, was operated, and recovered. All was well, until about 2 years ago, when she started having back pains. Now – the cancer has spread around her back and onto her liver.

The hospital where she undergoes chemotherapy referred her and my dad to a psychologist, which after a couple of session with them decided she wants to talk to me too. Well, I’ve never seen a psychologist, and I was kind of intrigued at the prospect.

She is really nice, more then you’d expect is common of therapists (after all empathy should be implied, right?). When I talked to her, and especially when she talked, you could see how she felt from little facial expressions she’d make. For example, I could anticipate she might say something meaningful, because a second before she’d sort of wrinkle her nose. I really liked that. Let’s close the subject for now with that…

Oh, I have a job interview today. It’s just a part-time thing, translating Italian web-sites to Hebrew for a tourism site. I bet I can do it from home – and make my folks help me with some of it. I’d be nice having a second income – the lab just doesn’t quite support my lavish lifestyle...

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